Thursday, January 31, 2013

Low Milk Supply and Breastfeeding

Phillips Innovations In Women's Health posted the following on Linkedin..

How can we help parents to breastfeed for as long as possible?
A recent survey found that 90% of mothers breastfed their babies for up to 4-6 months. Nevertheless, forty-five percent was not able to extend breastfeeding past six months, although 72% wanted to breastfeed longer than they did. The primary reasons women cited for stopping breastfeeding were lack of milk supply and pain. (

Within the same survey, lack of milk supply was also cited as a reason for stopping breastfeeding by 67% of Americans vs. 40% of women globally.

Any thoughts on the reasons for this? How can we help mothers to overcome obstacles they face in breastfeeding?

We know the many health benefits of breastfeeding, and it seems like parents’ desire to breastfeed their babies is strong. How can we help mothers to breastfeed their babies for as long as possible? What resources do you direct parents to? When advising parents on these resources, do you take into account the recent IRS ruling that breast pumps are now a deductible medical expense?

As a Board Certified Lactation Consultant my answer is:
Education before the baby its born and support after the baby is born.
Understanding the beauty of the human body and the wisdom of the newborn baby, a mother can release many fears related to breastfeeding and begin to think through the what ifs. Babies are born to breastfeed, but not all do. Mothers are made to create milk in sufficient supply, but not all do. Having a Board Certified Lactation Consultant come to your home and spend time assessing the mother/baby dyad and giving guidance and follow-up until all is going well is wonderful first step towards successful breastfeeding.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hypnobirthing® Childbirth Class Series

This is a comprehensive 5 week series of childbirth, parenting and self hypnosis education classes.
Hypnobirthing® is as much as philosophy as it is a technique. It is a rewarding, relaxing, stress-free method of birthing that is based on the belief that when a mother is properly prepared for birthing physically, mentally, and spiritually, she can experience the joy of birthing her baby in an easier, more comfortable manner.
The method is based on the belief that severe discomfort does not need to be a natural accompaniment of labor.
The aim of the program is to build confidence in the mother and for her to have confidence in her own ability to birth her baby. The philosophy of the Hypnobirthing® program is to educate the mother about the wonders of her body, to eliminate fear, as well as teach her the skills to work with the birthing process rather than fight against it. In many cases it is fear that undermines the mothers confidence in herself.
The mother is introduced to techniques of self hypnosis utilizing controlled deep breathing, visualization and imagery to produce deep relaxation.

The coach and birth partner is taught how to physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually support her throughout this wondrous journey. Extensive lectures in the birth process, birthing options and numerous self- hypnotic & relaxation techniques are taught. Other topics include: exercise, nutrition, anatomy, birth planning, c-section prevention, breastfeeding and baby care.

Location: Rockland County, NY (close to Bergen County & Westchester County)
Date & Time: February 6th – March 13th 7:00-9:30pm
For further information contact:
Pauline Nardella RN, MPA, CCE

"Pauline's instruction in HypnoBirthing® gave me the confidence, knowledge, and calm that helped make my dream of a natural childbirth a reality. My son was almost 10 lbs, yet he came into the world drug free and nursed within minutes. All of Pauline's tips and how-to's enabled my husband to be the best coach I could ever hope for in the delivery room. We felt totally prepared and informed when the big day came. My labor was 13 1/2 hours long and I would do it again in a heartbeat."-This birth took place at Valley Hospital, Ridgewood, NJ

Friday, January 4, 2013

CNN: Is the medical community failing breast-feeding moms?

CNN: Is the medical community failing breast-feeding moms?
We need consistent education in all the health sciences, undergrad and grad school levels. So many inconsistent statements given to families regarding breastfeeding from the people they trust the most...nurses, pediatricians, obstetricians, neonatologists...the list goes on

Breastfeeding in Public

Women of America...know your rights! You can breastfeed in public and should not be asked to go to the bathroom, the changing room, your car...or anywhere. The following is a listing of State Laws protecting women and children.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hypnobirthing Video - Just amazing!

Here is a video of a HypnoBirthing family laboring at home using many of the HypnoBirthing techniques. Positional changes, dad assisting mom with light touch, stroking massage and affirmations. listening to the Rainbow Relaxation CD by Mickey Mongan.
For class information and local teachers go to:

For classes near Westchester, Rockland, Orange & Bergen Counties in NY and NJ, go to:

Lactation Consulting / Breastfeeding Classes

What can a lactation consultant do for me?

A Lactation consultant can assist a family in preparing for breastfeeding. Classes before baby arrives allow parents to receive up to date information and hands on practice. Lactation Consultants also support families through breastfeeding issues including but not limited to:
- Assessing a past less-than-desired breastfeeding experience
- Beginning breastfeeding and hands-on help with early attempts at proper latch and positioning.
- Experiencing sore nipples, yeast infection of the nipple, or other nipple traumas.
- Engorgement of the breasts, plugged ducts, breast infections or breast pain of any kind while nursing.
- When your baby won't latch on or is having trouble feeding due to any reason.
- Concerned about your milk supply or your baby’s weight gain.
- If you are supplementing and wonder how this might affect breastfeeding.
- Mothers who are nursing multiples.
- If your baby is born prematurely and you wish to breastfeed
- Medication use and breastfeeding.
- Weaning from breastfeeding.
- Assisting with breast-pump purchase or hospital grade pump rental.
- Assisting with educating parents on the proper use of a pump.
- Breastfeeding and returning to work.
- Introducing solids to your baby and breastfeeding
- Normal growth and development and sleep patterns of your baby while breastfeeding.
- Planning on breastfeeding an adopted child

Breastfeeding & Baby Care Class (3hr Class) December 19th 6:30-9:30
Rockland County, NY

To find a local board certified lactation consultant in your area, go

Hypnobirthing® Class Series New York & New Jersey

Hypnobirthing® is a comprehensive 5 week series of childbirth and parenting education classes. Hypnobirthing® is as much as philosophy as it is a technique. It is a rewarding, relaxing, stress-free method of birthing that is based on the belief that when a mother is properly prepared for birthing physically, mentally, and spiritually, she can experience the joy of birthing her baby in an easier, more comfortable manner. The goal of the program is to build confidence in the mother and for her to have confidence in her own ability to birth her baby. Hypnobirthing® educates the mother/father on the wonders of the human body, it eliminates fear, as well as teaches the mother skills to work with the birthing body rather than fight against it. In many cases it is fear that undermines a mother's confidence in herself. Extensive lectures in the birth process, birthing options and numerous self- hypnotic & relaxation techniques are taught. Other topics include: exercise, nutrition, anatomy, birth planning, c-section prevention, breastfeeding and baby care. Location: Rockland, NY-close to Bergen County, NJ and Westchester County, NY Date & Time: November 14-Dec 19th-one spot left 7:00-9:30pm February 2013 class open for registration For further information contact: Pauline Nardella RN, MPA, HBCE, IBCLC 845-323-1830